Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Alright so I got this book yesterday in the mail.  Gino recommended me to grab a copy of a book called Sketching while I was in his class link .

Now it turns out they released a new book called Sketching-The Basics.  This book is ridiculously full of win and probably the best I've seen on technical drawing.  Really seriously get a copy of this you won't regret it link

On the same subject I found some cool vids today so I'll post them them here and add more links.  I'm jazzed about this stuff.  Gotta start eating up on the pad more:D

IDSKETCHING: Primitive Combinations 1 from Industrial Design Sketching on Vimeo.

IDSKETCHING.COM: Surface Finish from Industrial Design Sketching on Vimeo.

IDSKETCHING.COM | Photoshop Render Demo from Industrial Design Sketching on Vimeo.

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