Looking good man I like your lines a lot. Suggestion man, try doing some master copies also fast using the lasso tool and big shapes in roughly a hour. Anthony Waters had us do that a decent amount and it helps. You can do this from life also. Take your laptop outside and find a nice location and paint around a hour what's in front of you. Use big brushes+shapes, details shouldn't be a concern in those studies too much. Keep on trucking!
Looking good man I like your lines a lot. Suggestion man, try doing some master copies also fast using the lasso tool and big shapes in roughly a hour. Anthony Waters had us do that a decent amount and it helps. You can do this from life also. Take your laptop outside and find a nice location and paint around a hour what's in front of you. Use big brushes+shapes, details shouldn't be a concern in those studies too much. Keep on trucking!